Alpha Pregnancy Center 年度籌款晚宴
Join Alpha Pregnancy Center for their annual fundraising gala, Dwelling. Come celebrate the life-giving ministry and be inspired by impact stories from the past year, and join in eager expectation of how God will move next.
誠意邀請你參加 Alpha Pregnancy Center 的年度籌款晚宴「Dwelling」。一起來慶祝這個充滿意義的事工、聆聽過去一年的感人故事、並期待神在未來如何透過他們的事工帶來奇妙的作為。
時間:晚上 6:30 至 9:00
地點:St. Mary's Cathedral (1111 Gough Street San Francisco, CA, 94109)
個人票 $85
長者票 $75